Tekstavvik i Det Nye Testamentet. Forfalskning av bibeltekster.








  1 Korint

  2 Korint





  1 Tessalon

  2 Tessalon

  1 Timoteus

  2 Timoteus





  1 Peter

  2 Peter

  1 Johannes

  2 Johannes

  3 Johannes



2. Tessalonikerbrev inneholder totalt 47 vers. Alex har gjort endringer i mer enn 20 av disse.
GÅ TIL KAPITTEL    [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ]

BYZII Tes 1:1 paulov kai silouanov kai timoyeov th ekklhsia yessalonikewn en yew patri hmwn kai kuriw ihsou cristw
ALXII Tes 1:1 paulos kai silouanos kai timoqeos th ekklhsia qessalonikewn en qew patri hmwn kai kuriw ihsou xristw

BYZII Tes 1:2 cariv umin kai eirhnh apo yeou patrov hmwn kai kuriou ihsou cristou
ALXII Tes 1:2 xaris umin kai eirhnh apo qeou patros hmwn kai kuriou ihsou xristou
Alex utelater: hmwn = vår   

BYZII Tes 1:3 eucaristein ofeilomen tw yew pantote peri umwn adelfoi kaywv axion estin oti uperauxanei h pistiv umwn kai pleonazei h agaph enov ekastou pantwn umwn eiv allhlouv
ALXII Tes 1:3 euxaristein ofeilomen tw qew pantote peri umwn adelfoi kaqws acion estin oti uperaucanei h pistis umwn kai pleonazei h agaph enos ekastou pantwn umwn eis allhlous

BYZII Tes 1:4 wste hmav autouv en umin kaucasyaitat en taiv ekklhsiaiv tou yeou uper thv upomonhv umwn kai pistewv en pasin toiv diwgmoiv umwn kai taiv yliqesin aiv anecesye
ALXII Tes 1:4 wste autous hmas en umin egkauxasqai en tais ekklhsiais tou qeou uper ths upomonhs umwn kai pistews en pasin tois diwgmois umwn kai tais qliyesin ais anexesqe

BYZII Tes 1:5 endeigma thv dikaiav krisewv tou yeou eiv to kataxiwyhnai umav thv basileiav tou yeou uper hv kai pascete
ALXII Tes 1:5 endeigma ths dikaias krisews tou qeou eis to kataciwqhnai umas ths basileias tou qeou uper hs kai pasxete

BYZII Tes 1:6 eiper dikaion para yew antapodounai toiv ylibousin umav yliqin
ALXII Tes 1:6 eiper dikaion para qew antapodounai tois qlibousin umas qliyin

BYZII Tes 1:7 kai umin toiv ylibomenoiv anesin mey hmwn en th apokaluqei tou kuriou ihsou ap ouranou met aggelwn dunamewv autou
ALXII Tes 1:7 kai umin tois qlibomenois anesin meq hmwn en th apokaluyei tou kuriou ihsou ap ouranou met aggelwn dunamews autou

BYZII Tes 1:8 en puri flogov didontov ekdikhsin toiv mh eidosin yeon kai toiv mh upakouousin tw euaggeliw tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou
ALXII Tes 1:8 en flogos puri didontos ekdikhsin tois mh eidosin qeon kai tois mh upakouousin tw euaggeliw tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou
Alex utelater: cristou = Kristi   

BYZII Tes 1:9 oitinev dikhn tisousin oleyroni aiwnion apo proswpou tou kuriou kai apo thv doxhv thv iscuov autou
ALXII Tes 1:9 oitines dikhn tisousin oleqrion aiwnion apo proswpou tou kuriou kai apo ths dochs ths isxuos autou

BYZII Tes 1:10 otan elyh endoxasyhnai en toiv agioiv autou kai yaumasyhnai en pasin toiv pisteuousin oti episteuyh to marturion hmwn ef umav en th hmera ekeinh
ALXII Tes 1:10 otan elqh endocasqhnai en tois agiois autou kai qaumasqhnai en pasin tois pisteusasin oti episteuqh to marturion hmwn ef umas en th hmera ekeinh

BYZII Tes 1:11 eiv o kai proseucomeya pantote peri umwn ina umav axiwsh thv klhsewv o yeov hmwn kai plhrwsh pasan eudokian agaywsunhv kai ergon pistewv en dunamei
ALXII Tes 1:11 eis o kai proseuxomeqa pantote peri umwn ina umas aciwsh ths klhsews o qeos hmwn kai plhrwsh pasan eudokian agaqwsunhs kai ergon pistews en dunamei

BYZII Tes 1:12 opwv endoxasyh to onoma tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou en umin kai umeiv en autw kata thn carin tou yeou hmwn kai kuriou ihsou cristou
ALXII Tes 1:12 opws endocasqh to onoma tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou en umin kai umeis en autw kata thn xarin tou qeou hmwn kai kuriou ihsou xristou
Alex utelater: cristou = Kristi   

BYZII Tes 2:1 erwtwmen de umav adelfoi uper thv parousiav tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou kai hmwn episunagwghv ep auton
ALXII Tes 2:1 erwtwmen de umas adelfoi uper ths parousias tou kuriou hmwn ihsou xristou kai hmwn episunagwghs ep auton

BYZII Tes 2:2 eiv to mh tacewv saleuyhnai umav apo tou noov mhtet yroeisyai mhte dia pneumatov mhte dia logou mhte di epistolhv wv di hmwn wv oti enesthken h hmera tou cristou
ALXII Tes 2:2 eis to mh taxews saleuqhnai umas apo tou noos mhde qroeisqai mhte dia pneumatos mhte dia logou mhte di epistolhs ws di hmwn ws oti enesthken h hmera tou kuriou
Alex utelater: cristou = Kristi
Alex tilføyer: kuriou = Herrens   

BYZII Tes 2:3 mh tiv umav exapathsh kata mhdena tropon oti ean mh elyh h apostasia prwton kai apokalufyh o anyrwpov thv amartiav o uiov thv apwleiav
ALXII Tes 2:3 mh tis umas ecapathsh kata mhdena tropon oti ean mh elqh h apostasia prwton kai apokalufqh o anqrwpos ths anomias o uios ths apwleias
Alex utelater: amartiav = syndens
Alex tilføyer: anomias = lovløshetens   

BYZII Tes 2:4 o antikeimenov kai uperairomenov epi panta legomenon yeon h sebasma wste auton eiv ton naon tou yeou wv yeon kayisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin yeov
ALXII Tes 2:4 o antikeimenos kai uperairomenos epi panta legomenon qeon h sebasma wste auton eis ton naon tou qeou wv yeon kaqisai apodeiknunta eauton oti estin qeos
Alex utelater: wv yeon = som Gud   

BYZII Tes 2:5 ou mnhmoneuete oti eti wn prov umav tauta elegon umin
ALXII Tes 2:5 ou mnhmoneuete oti eti wn pros umas tauta elegon umin

BYZII Tes 2:6 kai nun to katecon oidate eiv to apokalufyhnai auton en tw eautou kairw
ALXII Tes 2:6 kai nun to katexon oidate eis to apokalufqhnai auton en tw autoue kairw

BYZII Tes 2:7 to gar musthrion hdh energeitai thv anomiav monon o katecwn arti ewv ek mesou genhtai
ALXII Tes 2:7 to gar musthrion hdh energeitai ths anomias monon o katexwn arti ews ek mesou genhtai

BYZII Tes 2:8 kai tote apokalufyhsetai o anomov on o kuriov analwseitntet tw pneumati tou stomatov autou kai katarghsei th epifaneia thv parousiav autou
ALXII Tes 2:8 kai tote apokalufqhsetai o anomos on o kurios ihsous anelei tw pneumati tou stomatos autou kai katarghsei th epifaneia ths parousias autou
Alex tilføyer: ihsous = Jesus   

BYZII Tes 2:9 ou estin h parousia kat energeian tou satana en pash dunamei kai shmeioiv kai terasin qeudouv
ALXII Tes 2:9 ou estin h parousia kat energeian tou satana en pash dunamei kai shmeiois kai terasin yeudous

BYZII Tes 2:10 kai en pash apath thv adikiav en toiv apollumenoiv any wn thn agaphn thv alhyeiav ouk edexanto eiv to swyhnai autouv
ALXII Tes 2:10 kai en pash apath ths adikias en tois apollumenois anq wn thn agaphn ths alhqeias ouk edecanto eis to swqhnai autous

BYZII Tes 2:11 kai dia touto pemqeis autoiv o yeov energeian planhv eiv to pisteusai autouv tw qeudei
ALXII Tes 2:11 kai dia touto pempsei autois o qeos energeian planhs eis to pisteusai autous tw yeudei

BYZII Tes 2:12 ina kriywsin panteva oi mh pisteusantev th alhyeia alla eudokhsantev en th adikia
ALXII Tes 2:12 ina kriqwsin apantes oi mh pisteusantes th alhqeia alla eudokhsantes en th adikia

BYZII Tes 2:13 hmeiv de ofeilomen eucaristein tw yew pantote peri umwn adelfoi hgaphmenoi upo kuriou oti eileto umav o yeov ap archv eiv swthrian en agiasmw pneumatov kai pistei alhyeiav
ALXII Tes 2:13 hmeis de ofeilomen euxaristein tw qew pantote peri umwn adelfoi hgaphmenoi upo kuriou oti eilato umas o qeos aparxhn eis swthrian en agiasmw pneumatos kai pistei alhqeias

BYZII Tes 2:14 eiv o kai ekalesen umav dia tou euaggeliou hmwn eiv peripoihsin doxhv tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou
ALXII Tes 2:14 eis o kai ekalesen umas dia tou euaggeliou hmwn eis peripoihsin dochs tou kuriou hmwn ihsou xristou

BYZII Tes 2:15 ara oun adelfoi sthkete kai krateite tav paradoseiv av edidacyhte eite dia logou eite di epistolhv hmwn
ALXII Tes 2:15 ara oun adelfoi sthkete kai krateite tas paradoseis as edidaxqhte eite dia logou eite di epistolhs hmwn

BYZII Tes 2:16 autov de o kuriov hmwn ihsouv o cristov kai o yeov kai pathr hmwn o agaphsav hmav kai douv paraklhsin aiwnian kai elpida agayhn en cariti
ALXII Tes 2:16 autos de o kurios hmwn ihsous o xristos kai o qeos ott pathr hmwn o agaphsas hmas kai dous paraklhsin aiwnian kai elpida agaqhn en xariti

BYZII Tes 2:17 parakalesai umwn tav kardiav kai sthrixai umav en panti logw kai ergw agayw
ALXII Tes 2:17 parakalesai umwn tas kardias kai sthricai umav en panti ergw kai logw agaqw
Alex utelater: umav = dere

BYZII Tes 3:1 to loipon proseucesye adelfoi peri hmwn ina o logov tou kuriou trech kai doxazhtai kaywv kai prov umav
ALXII Tes 3:1 to loipon proseuxesqe adelfoi peri hmwn ina o logos tou kuriou trexh kai docazhtai kaqws kai pros umas

BYZII Tes 3:2 kai ina rusywmen apo twn atopwn kai ponhrwn anyrwpwn ou gar pantwn h pistiv
ALXII Tes 3:2 kai ina rusqwmen apo twn atopwn kai ponhrwn anqrwpwn ou gar pantwn h pistis

BYZII Tes 3:3 pistov de estin o kuriov o qeos ov sthrixei umav kai fulaxei apo tou ponhrou
ALXII Tes 3:3 pistos de estin o kurios o qeos os sthricei umas kai fulacei apo tou ponhrou
Alex tilføyer: o qeos = Gud

BYZII Tes 3:4 pepoiyamen de en kuriw ef umav oti a paraggellomen umin kai poieite kai poihsete
ALXII Tes 3:4 pepoiqamen de en kuriw ef umas oti a paraggellomen umin kai poieite kai poihsete
Alex utelater: umin = dere

BYZII Tes 3:5 o de kuriov kateuyunai umwn tav kardiav eiv thn agaphn tou yeou kai eiv thn upomonhn tou cristou
ALXII Tes 3:5 o de kurios kateuqunai umwn tas kardias eis thn agaphn tou qeou kai eis thn upomonhn tou xristou

BYZII Tes 3:6 paraggellomen de umin adelfoi en onomati tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou stellesyai umav apo pantov adelfou ataktwv peripatountov kai mh kata thn paradosin hn parelabeni par hmwn
ALXII Tes 3:6 paraggellomen de umin adelfoi en onomati tou kuriou hmwn ihsou xristou stellesqai umas apo pantos adelfou ataktws peripatountos kai mh kata thn paradosin hn parelabete par hmwn
Alex utelater: hmwn = vår   

BYZII Tes 3:7 autoi gar oidate pwv dei mimeisyai hmav oti ouk htakthsamen en umin
ALXII Tes 3:7 autoi gar oidate pws dei mimeisqai hmas oti ouk htakthsamen en umin

BYZII Tes 3:8 oude dwrean arton efagomen para tinov alla en kopw kai mocyw nukta kai hmerann ergazomenoi prov to mh epibarhsai tina umwn
ALXII Tes 3:8 oude dwrean arton efagomen para tinos alla en kopw kai moxqw nuktos kai hmeras ergazomenoi pros to mh epibarhsai tina umwn

BYZII Tes 3:9 ouc oti ouk ecomen exousian all ina eautouv tupon dwmen umin eiv to mimeisyai hmav
ALXII Tes 3:9 oux oti ouk exomen ecousian all ina eautous tupon dwmen umin eis to mimeisqai hmas

BYZII Tes 3:10 kai gar ote hmen prov umav touto parhggellomen umin oti ei tiv ou yelei ergazesyai mhde esyietw
ALXII Tes 3:10 kai gar ote hmen pros umas touto parhggellomen umin oti ei tis ou qelei ergazesqai mhde esqietw

BYZII Tes 3:11 akouomen gar tinav peripatountav en umin ataktwv mhden ergazomenouv alla periergazomenouv
ALXII Tes 3:11 akouomen gar tinas peripatountas en umin ataktws mhden ergazomenous alla periergazomenous

BYZII Tes 3:12 toiv de toioutoiv paraggellomen kai parakaloumen dia tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou ina meta hsuciav ergazomenoi ton eautwn arton esyiwsin
ALXII Tes 3:12 tois de toioutois paraggellomen kai parakaloumen en kuriw ihsou xristw esou cristou ina meta hsuxias ergazomenoi ton eautwn arton esqiwsin
Alex utelater: dia tou kuriou hmwn = ved Herren vår
Alex tilføyer: en kuriw = i Herren   

BYZII Tes 3:13 umeiv de adelfoi mh ekkakhshte kalopoiountev
ALXII Tes 3:13 umeis de adelfoi mh egkakhshte kalopoiountes

BYZII Tes 3:14 ei de tiv ouc upakouei tw logw hmwn dia thv epistolhv touton shmeiousye kai mh sunanamignusyei autw ina entraph
ALXII Tes 3:14 ei de tis oux upakouei tw logw hmwn dia ths epistolhs touton shmeiousqe kai mh sunanamignusqai autw ina entraph

BYZII Tes 3:15 kai mh wv ecyron hgeisye alla nouyeteite wv adelfon
ALXII Tes 3:15 kai mh ws exqron hgeisqe alla nouqeteite ws adelfon

BYZII Tes 3:16 autov de o kuriov thv eirhnhv dwh umin thn eirhnhn dia pantov en panti tropw o kuriov meta pantwn umwn
ALXII Tes 3:16 autos de o kurios ths eirhnhs dwh umin thn eirhnhn dia pantos en panti topwr o kurios meta pantwn umwn

BYZII Tes 3:17 o aspasmov th emh ceiri paulou o estin shmeion en pash epistolh outwv grafw
ALXII Tes 3:17 o aspasmos th emh xeiri paulou o estin shmeion en pash epistolh outws grafw

BYZII Tes 3:18 h cariv tou kuriou hmwn ihsou cristou meta pantwn umwn amhn prov yessalonikeiv deutera egrafh apo ayhnwn
ALXII Tes 3:18 h xaris tou kuriou hmwn ihsou xristou meta pantwn umwn amhn prov yessalonikeiv deutera egrafh apo ayhnwn
Alex utelater: amen. Til tessalonikere, det andre, skrevet fra Athen