Tekstavvik i Det Nye Testamentet. Forfalskning av bibeltekster.








  1 Korint

  2 Korint





  1 Tessalon

  2 Tessalon

  1 Timoteus

  2 Timoteus





  1 Peter

  2 Peter

  1 Johannes

  2 Johannes

  3 Johannes



3. Johannes' brev inneholder totalt 15 vers. Alex har gjort endringer i 11 av disse.

BYZIII Joh 1:1 o presbuterov gaiw tw agaphtw on egw agapw en alhyeia
ALXIII Joh 1:1 o presbuteros gaiw tw agaphtw on egw agapw en alhqeia

BYZIII Joh 1:2 agaphte peri pantwn eucomai se euodousyai kai ugiainein kaywv euodoutai sou h quch
ALXIII Joh 1:2 agaphte peri pantwn euxomai se euodousqai kai ugiainein kaqws euodoutai sou h yuxh

BYZIII Joh 1:3 ecarhn gar lian ercomenwn adelfwn kai marturountwn sou th alhyeia kaywv su en alhyeia peripateiv
ALXIII Joh 1:3 exarhn gar lian erxomenwn adelfwn kai marturountwn sou th alhqeia kaqws su en alhqeia peripateis

BYZIII Joh 1:4 meizoteran toutwn ouk ecw caran ina akouw ta ema tekna en th alhyeia peripatounta
ALXIII Joh 1:4 meizoteran toutwn ouk exw xarint ina akouw ta ema tekna en th alhqeia peripatounta

BYZIII Joh 1:5 agaphte piston poieiv o ean ergash eiv touv adelfouv kai eiv touv xenouv
ALXIII Joh 1:5 agaphte piston poieis o ean ergazh eis tous adelfous kai toutous cenous

BYZIII Joh 1:6 oi emarturhsan sou th agaph enwpion ekklhsiav ouv kalwv poihseiv propemqav axiwv tou yeou
ALXIII Joh 1:6 oi emarturhsan sou th agaph enwpion ekklhsias ous kalws poihseis propemyas aciws tou qeou

BYZIII Joh 1:7 uper gar tou onomatov exhlyon autou mhden lambanontev apo twn eynwnni
ALXIII Joh 1:7 uper gar tou onomatos autou echlqan mhden lambanontes apo twn eqnikwn
Alex utelater: eynwn = hedningene
Alex tilføyer: eqnikwn =de hedenske

BYZIII Joh 1:8 hmeiv oun ofeilomen apolambanein touv toioutouv ina sunergoi ginwmeya th alhyeia
ALXIII Joh 1:8 hmeis oun ofeilomen upolambanein tous toioutous ina sunergoi ginwmeqa th alhqeia

BYZIII Joh 1:9 egraqa ti th ekklhsia all o filoprwteuwn autwn diotrefhv ouk epidecetai hmav
ALXIII Joh 1:9 egraya ti th ekklhsia all o filoprwteuwn autwn diotrefhs ouk epidexetai hmas

BYZIII Joh 1:10 dia touto ean elyw upomnhsw autou ta erga a poiei logoiv ponhroiv fluarwn hmav kai mh arkoumenov epi toutoiv oute autov epidecetai touv adelfouv kai touv boulomenouv kwluei kai ek thv ekklhsiav ekballei
ALXIII Joh 1:10 dia touto ean elqw upomnhsw autou ta erga a poiei logois ponhrois fluarwn hmas kai mh arkoumenos epi toutois oute autos epidexetai tous adelfous kai tous boulomenous kwluei kai ek ths ekklhsias ekballei

BYZIII Joh 1:11 agaphte mh mimou to kakon alla to agayon o agayopoiwn ek tou yeou estin o de kakopoiwn ouc ewraken ton yeon
ALXIII Joh 1:11 agaphte mh mimou to kakon alla to agaqon o agaqopoiwn ek tou qeou estin o de kakopoiwn oux ewraken ton qeon

BYZIII Joh 1:12 dhmhtriw memarturhtai upo pantwn kai upo authv thv alhyeiav kai hmeiv de marturoumen kai oidate oti h marturia hmwn alhyhv estin
ALXIII Joh 1:12 dhmhtriw memarturhtai upo pantwn kai upo auths ths alhqeias kai hmeis de marturoumen kai oidast oti h marturia hmwn alhqhs estin

BYZIII Joh 1:13 polla eicon grafeineei all ou yelw dia melanov kai kalamou soi graqaii
ALXIII Joh 1:13 polla eixon grayai soi all ou qelw dia melanos kai kalamou soi grafein

BYZIII Joh 1:14 elpizw de euyewv idein se kai stoma prov stoma lalhsomen
ALXIII Joh 1:14 elpizw de euqews se idein kai stoma pros stoma lalhsomen

BYZIII Joh 1:15 eirhnh soi aspazontai se oi filoi aspazou touv filouv kat onoma
ALXIII Joh 1:15 eirhnh soi aspazontai se oi filoi aspazou tous filous kat onoma